The hot lunch program at Courtenay Elementary officially started in March 2023 thanks to funding from the Province of BC’s Feeding Futures funding. School District 71 has been allocated $1.14 million each year for the next three years to create or expand local food programs. 

The funding has allowed Courtenay Elementary School and Courtenay Elementary Community School Society to start a lunch program from March 2023. In this unique program, Courtenay Elementary hired a Food Services Worker to prepare the meals while  Courtenay Elementary Community School Society administers the program and purchases the groceries.

The purpose of the hot lunch program is to provide a hot lunch that exposes students to new foods, flavours, and textures, while providing a lunch made from scratch at low or no cost. IT IS NOT A FUNDRAISER and does not seek to make a profit. Since March 2023, the program has served over 20,000 lunches.

The program operates on a cost recovery basis, charging students nominal fee (K-Gr. 2: $2 and Gr. 3-5: $3 from June) and relying on Feeding Futures funding to cover any additional costs and expenses. Any family facing financial hardship can ask for their child’s lunches to be subsidized.

The purpose of this survey is measure the level of satisfaction and interest in the program so that we can improve it.

What do you think of it? Good or bad, we would like your feedback so we can return in September with an even better program.

This survey is anonymous and does not collect or ask for any personal data.

There are two surveys, one for adults and one for students.

Survey for adults

Survey for students

Please try and fill in the survey with your child if you can. We will have forms prepared during the Fun Fair and BBQ on June 7th that your child can also fill out.

Thank you for your support!