A Brief History of the Emergency Preparedness Committee

A Brief History of the Emergency Preparedness Committee

Readers may not know that I am active as a parent in PAC and DPAC. One of my roles apart from the community school society chair of the Emergency Preparedness Committee. The committee was formed in 2023 with the following goals in its terms of reference. To promote...
Register for After School Clubs

Register for After School Clubs

You can now register for after school clubs. This year, registration will be online to ensure that no club is beyond capacity. Take note of the startup date for each club. All the fun begins after Thanksgiving. Here are the links to register online as spots are...
CECSS Donates Orange Wear Proceeds to Courtenay El’s ISW

Spirit Wear Now on Sale!

It’s that time of year again! Time to show some school pride with Spirit Wear! This year, in addition to hoodies and T-shirts, we are offering sweatshirts! We have a small stock on hand so you won’t have to wait! Royal blue Courtenay Elementary sweatshirt....

Hot Lunch FAQ

Hot Lunch FAQ   What is the hot lunch program? Courtenay El has historically fed kids with Community Link funding that went to help pay an EA for a few hours to put together simple breakfasts and lunches. Up to 30 kids/day were fed. When Shelly Waterfield took...
What People Think: Opinions about the Hot Lunch Program

What People Think: Opinions about the Hot Lunch Program

In June, we asked students and parents/caregivers about what they thought about the hot lunch program. These are the results. The purpose of this survey is measure the level of satisfaction and interest in the program so that we can improve it. On the whole, it is...
What People Think: Opinions about the Hot Lunch Program

We want to hear from you!

The hot lunch program at Courtenay Elementary officially started in March 2023 thanks to funding from the Province of BC’s Feeding Futures funding. School District 71 has been allocated $1.14 million each year for the next three years to create or expand local...
Announcement of 2024 AGM

Announcement of 2024 AGM

Join us for our Annual General Meeting at Courtenay Elementary where we’ll discuss the year in review, with a particular focus on the first full year of the hot lunch program. Mark your calendars and don’t miss out. We look forward to seeing you there!...