Just before the school year started, the provincial government announced a $60 million Student and Family Affordability Fund. According to the news release:
The Province is helping make back-to-school more affordable for students and their families who are struggling with rising costs of living due to global inflation.
Through the Student and Family Affordability Fund, $60 million will help school districts make sure students are fed and have the school supplies they need to be successful this year.
“Many families in B.C. are feeling the effects of global inflation on daily costs, including groceries, school supplies and other school expenses,” said Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Education and Child Care. “We’re taking action by providing more funding that school districts will use to help meet the needs of families and students.”
The one-time funding will be provided directly to school districts to help them expand school meal programs, make sure students have the school supplies they need and cover any additional fees so that students in need can take part in activities, such as field trips.
“Many families in B.C. are feeling the effects of global inflation on daily costs, including groceries, school supplies and other school expenses,” said Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Education and Child Care. “We’re taking action by providing more funding that school districts will use to help meet the needs of families and students.”
The Comox Valley school district was allocated $980,354. Read here for how the school district decided to allocate the money. Of those funds, both Courtenay Elementary and the Courtenay Elementary Community School Society received their own allocation.
You are probably aware that Courtenay Elementary has had an informal breakfast and lunch club for some time, with the community school supporting it in the background. PAC has also been offering its own hot lunch program.
Given how hard inflation has hit everyone’s pocketbook, with this new funding, Courtenay Elementary, the community school, and PAC have decided to roll everything into a single program. Starting in February 2023, the community school will partner with Courtenay Elementary to formalize the program and provide breakfast and hot lunches to all students and staff.
- Lunch for everyone at a flat rate of $50/month (pro-rated for shorter months with lengthy holidays).
- If you only need lunch on occasion, then $3/lunch.
- The cost includes breakfast, if your child arrives early at school. Breakfast will be simple: bagels, cereal, oatmeal, smoothies, etc.
- Hot lunch, with menu posted online in advance.
- Payment. We are currently looking to keep using MunchaLunch because it has worked well so far. It’s also a good way to track and allergies or dietary needs/restrictions a student may have. Payment will be mostly online, but we will be flexible and accept cash or cheque.
- If finances are tight, no worries! Just talk with the principal and we’ll make sure your child receives lunch.
- Menu. We’re still developing one, but it will try and be reflective of our multicultural community. Items would include, pastas, sushi rolls, stews, soups, chili, fried rice, pierogies, and sandwiches, for example. All lunches would include milk, fruit and vegetables.
- Hot dog day and pizza day will remain in place and be offered by the school.
Stay tuned for more details to come!